Kagome Spin Liquid
- Kagome Chiral Spin Liquid as a Gauged U(1) Symmetry Protected.
- Nanotechnology Now - Press Release: HKU physicists found.
- PDF Perturbing the U(1) Dirac Spin Liquid State in Spin-1/2 kagome.
- Electron doping a kagome spin liquid (Journal Article) | DOE PAGES.
- Entanglement signatures of emergent Dirac fermions: Kagome spin liquid.
- Trihexagonal tiling - Wikipedia.
- Spin ice - Wikipedia.
- Chiral spin liquid and emergent anyons in a Kagome.
- Crystallizing Kagome artificial spin ice.
- Phys. Rev. X 6, 041007 (2016) - Electron Doping a Kagome Spin Liquid.
- Chiral flux phase in the Kagome superconductor AV3Sb5.
- Emergence of nontrivial magnetic excitations in a spin-liquid state of.
- [1912.08284] Gapped $Z_2$ spin liquid in the breathing kagome.
Kagome Chiral Spin Liquid as a Gauged U(1) Symmetry Protected.
Recently, V-based kagome superconductors have emerged as a new research topic in condensed matter physics by intertwining superconductivity, charge density wave, and strong correlation. Here, the authors identify CsV 3 Sb 5 as a Dirac nodal-line semimetal by determining multiple Dirac nodal lines and loops close to the Fermi level with the help. The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Daytona speeder x. daytona speeder에서 새롭게 탄생한 미들 킥 타입의 「daytona x」가 라인업에 합류.차원 높은 스피드감을 계승하여, 매끄럽고 쉬운 스윙감을 추구한 프리미엄 모델을 패션잡지 등,수많은 잡지사에서 편집장을 맡아온 잭 타카하시氏, 토가 히로쿠니氏에게 시타를 부탁하여 비거리 성능의.
Nanotechnology Now - Press Release: HKU physicists found.
Studied the Li intercalation doping effects of the two kagome spin liquid compounds. In the Li-doped herbertsmithite, it was speculated that Li is located in the Cl-(OH) 3 tetrahedron hole (T-site).28 Based on this structure, singlet trapping and electron localization were proposed to explain the insulating behavior.
PDF Perturbing the U(1) Dirac Spin Liquid State in Spin-1/2 kagome.
Recent work has begun to converge on the likely possibility that the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice, or kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet (KHAF), is a spin liquid in the ground state [ 4 - 10 ]. While it might be natural to think that there is but one way to not be ordered—that is, a single spin-liquid phase.
Electron doping a kagome spin liquid (Journal Article) | DOE PAGES.
The kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet is a leading candidate in the search for a spin system with a quantum spin-liquid ground state. The nature of its ground state remains a matter of active debate. We conducted oxygen-17 single-crystal nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements of the spin-1/2 kagome lattice in herbertsmithite [ZnCu 3 (OH.
Entanglement signatures of emergent Dirac fermions: Kagome spin liquid.
. Plateaus can be observed in the zero-temperature magnetization curve of quantum spin systems at rational values of the magnetization. In one dimension, the appearance of a plateau is controlled by a quantization condition for the magnetization which involves the length of the local spin and the volume of a translational unit cell of the ground.
Trihexagonal tiling - Wikipedia.
Spin ices are geometrically frustrated magnetic systems. While frustration is usually associated with triangular or tetrahedral arrangements of magnetic moments coupled via antiferromagnetic exchange interactions, as in Anderson's Ising model, spin ices are frustrated ferromagnets. It is the very strong local magnetic anisotropy from the. Abstract: We construct a lattice model of topological order (kagome quantum spin liquids) and solve it with unbiased quantum Monte Carlo simulations. A three-stage anyon condensation with two transitions from a $\mathbb Z_2\boxtimes\mathbb Z_2$ topological order to a $\mathbb Z_2$ topological order and eventually to a trivial symmetric phase is revealed. Measurement. When no external field is applied, the antiferromagnetic structure corresponds to a vanishing total magnetization. In an external magnetic field, a kind of ferrimagnetic behavior may be displayed in the antiferromagnetic phase, with the absolute value of one of the sublattice magnetizations differing from that of the other sublattice, resulting in a nonzero net magnetization.
Spin ice - Wikipedia.
In the field of quantum materials, the recently discovered Kagome... sieves synthesized by a liquid-crystal template mechanism.... S. C. Quantum spin Hall effect and topological phase transition. We report a new kagome quantum spin liquid candidate Cu 3 Zn(OH) 6 FBr, which does not experience any phase transition down to 50 mK, more than three orders lower than the antiferromagnetic Curie-Weiss temperature (∼200 K). A clear gap opening at low temperature is observed in the uniform spin susceptibility obtained from 19 F nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. In condensed matter physics, a quantum spin liquid is a phase of matter that can be formed by interacting quantum spins in certain magnetic materials.... Therefore, it is a good realization of the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice, which is a prototypical theoretical example of a quantum spin liquid..
Chiral spin liquid and emergent anyons in a Kagome.
A quantum spin liquid (QSL) is an exotic quantum ground state that does not break conventional symmetries and where the spins in the system remain dynamic down to zero temperature.... (0 ≤ x ≤ 1), where perfect kagome layers of spin-1/2 Cu 2+ are separated from each other by the non-magnetic Zn layers. Since then, extensive. The S=3/2 Kitaev honeycomb model (KHM) is a quantum spin liquid (QSL) state coupled to a static Z2 gauge field. Employing an SO(6) Majorana representation of spin3/2’s, we find an exact.
Crystallizing Kagome artificial spin ice.
Evidence for a gapped spin-liquid ground state in a kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet. Science, 350 (2015), pp. 655-658. CrossRef View Record in Scopus Google Scholar. A. Zorko, S. Nellutla, J. van Tol, et al. Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Anisotropy in the Spin-1/2 kagome Compound ZnCu 3 (OH) 6 Cl 2. Abstract. Herbertsmithite, ZnCu 3 (OH) 6 Cl 2, is a two-dimensional kagome lattice realization of a spin liquid, with evidence for fractionalized excitations and a gapped ground state.Such a quantum spin liquid has been proposed to underlie high-temperature superconductivity and is predicted to produce a wealth of new states, including a Dirac metal at 1/3 electron doping. Herbertsmithite and Zn-doped barlowite are two compounds for experimental realization of two-dimensional kagome spin liquids. Theoretically, it has been proposed that charge doping a quantum spin liquid gives rise to exotic metallic states, such as high-temperature superconductivity. However, one recent experiment on herbertsmithite with successful Li.
Phys. Rev. X 6, 041007 (2016) - Electron Doping a Kagome Spin Liquid.
Spin-liquid (SL) states of frustrated quantum antiferromagnets, in which highly correlated spins fluctuate down to very low temperatures, are prominent examples of such quantum states.... TH Han, et al., Fractionalized excitations in the spin-liquid state of a kagome-lattice antiferromagnet. Nature 492, 406-410 (2012). Crossref. PubMed.
Chiral flux phase in the Kagome superconductor AV3Sb5.
Temperatures [13,21,28,30]: a high temperature paramagnetic state (PM phase); a spin liquid with correlated spins satisfying the Kagome ice rule (‘two in/one out’ or ‘two out/one in’) but with neither charge nor spin ordering (SL1 phase); a long-range ordered charge crystal in a disordered..
Emergence of nontrivial magnetic excitations in a spin-liquid state of.
Site-specific structure at multiple length scales in kagome quantum spin liquid candidates. Realizing a quantum spin liquid (QSL) ground state in a real material is a leading issue in condensed matter physics research.... -principles calculations address outstanding questions about the local and long-range structures of the two leading kagome. Carrier doping of quantum spin liquids is a long-proposed route to the emergence of high-temperature superconductivity. Electrochemical intercalation in kagome hydroxyl halide materials shows that samples remain insulating across a wide range of electron counts. Here we demonstrate through first-pri.
[1912.08284] Gapped $Z_2$ spin liquid in the breathing kagome.
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